I am speechless in awe at the grace under pressure that Colonel Diane Ryan exhibited. Thank you for sharing her story.

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Diane Ryan is a marvelous example of someone who animates her ethics, wisdom and kindness through her daily small and large actions. She pays attention to the nuances that others take for granted and uses uncommon kindness as a strength.

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Thank you Tamara! Grace and strength: that's the winning combination.

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Thanks again, Sally, for highlighting the importance of physical presence and engendering respect and acknowledgment in a way I’ve termed “balancing assertiveness.” Your point about being able to dissociate from the fear and pain of being disrespected through focus on physical, somatic presence was a revelation for me.

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Thank you Carol. I love that phrase, balancing assertiveness. And yes, the importance of the somatic angle has only recently become apparent to me, through managing the pain of a knee replacement. I appreciate your comment.

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